Ya so a few days ago KAT-TUN, my 2nd favourite Jpop group released the PV for their 12th single "Going!". Now just a bit on the single itself....I am kinda meh about it. It seems more like a filler song on an album.. It just lacks impact and a chorus thats memorable unlike "THE D-MOTION" & "Love Yourself" which both had great catchy beats that I would find myself humming without realising. Also this single is missing Akinishi Jin, in my opinion the groups best singer. Its weird, the last single they released without Jin I didn't like either so maybe I subconciensly like him more than I think. Any way here is the song and pv so you can listen to it yourself.................
Time for random capping and annotations yaaay!!
Ok so it starts off with the members rotating
And rotating
And rotating, poor Taguchi is always last.
Going! YEAH, Going! Yeah
Kaz there, thinking he's fantastic now that Jin isn't around :P
Dance shot woo, with a really bland background.
Close-ups woo.
My hair looks the same in every pv recently YEAH!
They try their best at being hookers. WHAO look at Nakamaru's pimp shoes. Is the difference supposed to symbolise something....besides him being the oldest?
Man, the hair department must have been really lazy for this pv
Kaz shows us where all the make-up was applied. IT DOESN'T EVEN LOOK LIKE HIM!
Overhead dance shot to break up the front facing dance shot
Wonder twin powers ACTIVATE!
Random floating screens are random
WAIT! Is that a sparkling silver butterfly on his neck!? o.O
More shit hair
Dramatic staring into the distance shot
Cool Ueda that does boxing. Then....
Poor fella couldn't look more gay if he tried
I couldn't stop laughing when I paused the pv here. He looks like that grey bulldog from Tom & Jerry
How awkward does Taguchi look XD
Yuichi's dramatic distant look
Yuichi's sport shot: Football
Kaz sport shot: Baseball
Junnosuke checking to see if anyones around....
Way too dramatic falling petal shot
Koki rap STARTO!
Koki: "Talk to the hand bitch"
Ueda: "Oh no he di-unt"
Koki sport shot: watching tv and eating popcorn
Another farting shot
And thats the pv. What do ye think of it. I love KAT-TUN and the lads but this is just meh. Hopefully they will get back to form soon. Gor the singles details please go HERE
Ya I prefer FALL DOWN more too, but even that song is kinda meh. I don't think this will be a KAT-TUN song I deathloop. Lets hope for better stuff in the album.
And ya, seriously wtf is with the butterfly, another firend of mine was saying that in every concert he wears some sort of skirt at some stage.
Ok so tomorrow I leave for scotland to do research or my University thesis so I mightn't get to post while I am away, please remain to be a follower though as I shall come back and resume...if your not a follower....then start to follow me :P See ye later.
I feel similar about the single. I'm not really feeling it at all. I think I prefer "FALL DOWN"
"Poor fella couldn't look more gay if he tried" LMAO!