Mar 3, 2010


Posted by Liamers At 12:16 AM 0 comments
ok so this seems to becomming some what of a pattern.

I blog, then a long gap, then I blog again.

Well loyal followers and readers alike. After getting requests from some people to start blogging again, I have decided to MAKE time out of my stupidly bust University life to make time for some blogging. At the start this may be done only at weekends but you never know. Also, I will be keeping the name and banners and everything but since I was away I broadened my musical horizons A LOT, and so I will talk both inside and out of H!P and Jpop itself.

But of course anything to do with H!P will be Gaki biased.

WATCH THIS SPACE PEOPLE. and sorry for the wait.

Liam xxx