Shame on me for not writing this sooner, but better late than never eh? So the pv was released a week ago or so and there have been mixed views on it....and here is mine. I wont do a whole shot by shot review, instead I will do a quick random shot review of the its I though deserved to be capped.
1st thoughts...OMFG sexy jackets. lol I think the girls look awesome in them..... I know a certain someone who thinks they look like hookers ¬.¬ NO! just no. After a few quick dance steps we finally get a glimpse of one of the eagerly awaited raining scenes. After a series of dance to rain sequences.... I am already hooked. You can already tell this is a pv of substance.
Reina with the 1st solo line...not really shocked by this, it was going to happen eventually.
Ai followed. And instead of trying to give us cutsey poses, we see a sad, deep Ai in a cool shot of her behind glass that is being covered in rain. Love this shot.
Ai again, but in this dance shot she looks super schmexy!!
Speaking of sexy, JunJun suddenly makes one of her brief performances...kinda looks like she is holding her um...chest, while holding her hair back...mmmmm *drool*
Then during the 1st chorus we (yes we!!) are delighted to see this vision of lovelyness popping up. The blurred shiney things are nice arent they?
Then from shiney and nice & sexy JunJun, we are shown a shot of Ai balling. Someone please give her a hug.
Ah!! sexy JunJun attack. Dont be decieved, she aint in this much, mainly just fly-by's in the dance shot and 2 0r 3 rain close ups.
Thought I should put this in for Aika and koharu fans. These 2 aren't featured that much either. Aika's hair is awesome in this pv.
Eri gives a good performance on her solo line, we get a nice close up and a dance shot of her touching her face....mmmmmm
The 1st preoper appearance of LinLin and she too looks so sad, and scraggly. She genuinly looks a bit sad.....
....whereas Aika..well she doesn't really convince me at all. Its like a face a little girl would pull to tey and convince her mother to let her have a lollipop before dinner.....ineffective and a bit silly.
This would be one of the parts I wasn't happy with. I just dont get this double look move with the sticky out elbow.
Big fish, little fish, cardboard box!
Gotta praise the cameraman for this shot. loving the fishnets.
Now this is how Reina thinks, a really sad and crying person should look like, scrumpled up chin, curled in lips, and frowning eyebrows. Does it do the job? notch at all.
This is how its done. Soaking wet flowing black hair (yes when girls cry their hair turns black) , slightly open mougth, heavy breathing, and eyes that are filled with melancholy. Reina! take notes.
There she is. Sayu does well vocally in this song, yet you dont get to see her much. The shots she is in though are awesome.
During a music interlude, they do this weird hoola thing. Its not that out of place, but you just wouldn't expect it in a pv like this. One thing for the next Alo hello..... Holla dancing please.
Koharu now doesn't look too bad when wet and dry during the dance shot, but in the up close crying shots her hair is really weird and it reminds me of something from the 70's.
Brilliant clip from Eri here. She hangs her head and shakes it. Its like the guy is trying to give excuses, but she wont listen while trying to hold back her tears.
This shot is funny though. Its like she is grabbing, um...something and going "oooh"
During the last Kamo! Kamo! Kamo! Kamo! bit, LinLin shows up with this thing on her head. Its laughable, its just so random, her hair looks awesome though.
Ending!! Grrrr GakiKame are hidden behind Ai and Koharu (WTF is she doing in front!)
Ok so tomorrow I leave for scotland to do research or my University thesis so I mightn't get to post while I am away, please remain to be a follower though as I shall come back and resume...if your not a follower....then start to follow me :P See ye later.
i find it a pity that linlin and junjun don't even have a screenshot though every member looks so great in the pv.